Core Services
Peer Counseling
The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition (pub. 1991), defines peer as; A person who has equal standing with another. Peer refers to an equal, not a superior.
The same dictionary defines counsel as; An act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation. Advice or guidance.
CILSCPA teams their Consumers with Peer Counselors who have Life Experience with a disability. Peer Counselors are not psychologists or psychiatrists, they are Peers that have ‘been there-done that’. The counseling provided is one-on-one & informal.
The goal of Peer Counseling is to assist the Consumer in establishing realistic goals & exercise choice to enable them to live more independently.
Let’s go back to the dictionary where advocate is defined as; To speak in favor of; recommend. A person who speaks in another’s behalf. Lastly, advocacy; Active support as a cause, idea, or policy.
Individual Advocacy deals with issues or concerns to individuals with disabilities. The topics vary from person to person, but may include transportation, attendant care services or housing.
Systems Advocacy is conducted to protect civil rights and support disability related, positive Legislative changes. Emphasis is on empowering Consumers towards becoming Self-Advocates.
Independent Living Skills Training
ILST is the development of daily living skills of people with disabilities. Consumers may want to develop or improve on one skill or many. CILSCPA’s Skills Trainer has a background in daily living activities as well as assistive technology & devices to make those tasks easier.
Examples of Independent Living Skills:
• Housekeeping
• Meal Preparation
• Laundry
• Financial Management
• Assistive Technology & Equipment Training
Information and Referral
I&R is the core service that is present in all of CILSCPA’s services provided. I&R services are integral to people with disabilities and their communities.
Information on Community resources, housing, assistive technology, adaptive equipment, Social Security, OVR employment services, legislation, recreation and other disability related information is available.
Referrals are made to the appropriate community/provider agencies, equipment providers and financial resources.
Nursing Home Transitioning into the Community of choice is part of the evolution of equal rights. Residents of Long Term Care facilities are shown they can thrive in their community with appropriate supports. CILSCPA staff works with the Consumer on where they want to live & then identifies the appropriate Community resources needed to obtain & maintain an independent lifestyle. The Consumer is presented with an array of Community based, specialized services. The services are then coordinated to provide an individualized support network.
High School Transitioning also involves a wide variety of services to graduating students with disabilities. Students are offered services to prepare for entry into the world after Graduation.
Secondary Services
CILSCPA offers many secondary services to our Consumers. The Secondary services described below are ones most often requested. As with our Core services all are provided free.
Service Coordination
Service Coordination is yet another provided service that is interwoven in all other services delivered by CILSCPA. Service coordination ensures appropriate I&R and develops the community support network. This service includes being involved with Task Forces, Advisory or Governing Boards and/or other Human & Social Service Committees, to keep current on available programs and services throughout our 7 county service area.
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance regarding compliance with the ADA building specifications on new construction or existing structures being remodeled or rehabilitated. Including accessible parking requirements, ramp elevations and entrance/exit widths, etc.
Voter Registration
CILSCPA offers Voter Registration applications & assistance available on-site.
PA1000 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Assistance
Staff will assist Consumers with the completion of the Rebate application.